
Skip Auto & Hand Washing Liqiud 1.5l

R 109.99
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    Skip Whites Colour Care Auto Washing Liquid Detergent has an intelligent formulation that helps prevent white and light fabrics from yellowing or going grey. Skip Automatic Washing Liquid detergent with scientifically formulated Fibre Care Technology keeps clothes and linens clean and looking like new, wash after wash. The advanced stain removal enzyme technology cleans and cares for fabrics. Regular washing weakens the fibres of fabrics, breaking them down so that clothes tear more easily or develop little holes. Skip fights the five signs of ageing in clothing, it maintains colour, protects white fabrics, removes bobbles, prevents roughness, and gets rid of stains. Add one cap of Skip Automatic laundry detergent to the detergent compartment in your top loader washing machine or front loader washing machine. Do not apply directly to fabrics. This laundry detergent dissolves completely and leaves no residue. Skip Auto is perfect for use in all makes and types of automatic washing machine. Check your clothing item care label for more information on taking care of specific fabrics and items. Zips, buttons and decorative details can catch on clothing and weaken it while in the washing machine. Remove loose trims and make sure buttons and other details are secured to the clothing before washing.


    (1 Cap = 75ml). Front Loader: 1 cap Top loader: 1.5 caps Light soil reduce dosage HINTS: Can be directly applied to tough stains. Test on inside of your fabric first.
    More Information
    Product BMC ValueFNHC01
    Pack Size1.5L
    Product Reference Number199950002EA
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