1. Introduction
Welcome to the extraRewards Programme, available exclusively to Qualifying Policyholders. The extraRewards Programme gives Qualifying Policyholders discounts of up to 100% every month on thousands of everyday essentials in-store and online.
This guide provides information on the rewards programme’s Health Ratings and in-store or online discounts. These terms and conditions relate to individual Dis-Chem Life policies, individual Dis-Chem Health policies and Group Kaelo Medical Insurance, Kaelo Gap cover and Western Gap cover policies.
By opting into the extraRewards Programme through activation of a Qualifying Insurance Product, You acknowledge that You have read, understood, and agreed to these terms and conditions. Dis-Chem reserves the right to amend these terms at any time.
The headings and subheadings in this guide are for purposes of convenience and reference only and shall not be used in the interpretation of nor to modify nor amplify the terms of Your insurance policy.
‘extraRewards’: means the rewards programme designed for Qualifying Policyholders. The extraRewards Programme provides in-store and online discounts on a predetermined basket of products purchased from Dis-Chem and Baby City.
‘extraRewards Programme’: shall have a corresponding meaning.
‘extraRewards Discount Matrix’: means the table used to determine the discount percentage on qualifying extraRewards products that will apply to a Policyholder with one or more of the following Qualifying Insurance Products: Dis-Chem Life Individual Products or Medical Insurance, Accident Cover or Gap Cover Products brought to you by Dis-Chem Health. The Discount Matrix is based on Your Qualifying Insurance Premium and Your Health Rating. See section 3.2 for more detail.
‘extraRewards Fee’: the monthly amount payable for participation in the extraRewards Programme.
‘extraRewards Fee Payer’: means the person or entity from whose bank account the extraRewards Fee is deducted.
‘Funeral Cover’: means a funeral policy offered by Dis-Chem Life.
‘Funeral Product’: shall have a corresponding meaning.
‘Group’: means policies purchased by an organization on behalf of their employees.
‘Health Rating’: means a score assigned to a Qualifying Policyholder based on their Qualifying Insurance Products and is calculated using the outcomes of three key health assessment categories: HealthChecks, Dis-Chem Script Score, and HealthChecks for Qualifying Conditions. The Health Rating is used to determine the extraRewards discount percentage that applies to the Qualifying Policyholder.
‘Maximum Monthly Discount’: means the maximum amount in rands that a Policyholder can save every month.
‘Personal Information’: means personal information as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013.
‘Policyholder’: means the person whose name appears on the policy and who is responsible for payment of the insurance premium. In cases where the Policyholder is different to the life insured on the relevant policy, this definition will relate to the life insured on the policy. The Policyholder is also referred to as “You” or “Your” in this guide.
‘Protector Product’: means a Protector Product offered by Dis-Chem Life. Please refer to the Dis-Chem Protector Guide to see the latest Protector Plans.
‘Qualifying Chronic Conditions’: means chronic conditions disclosed during application for a Dis-Chem Life Individual Life policy which result in additional requirements and conditions for the extraRewards Programme as per the Dis-Chem Life policy rules. These conditions include Hypertension, Hypercholesterolemia, Diabetes Mellitus, Asthma, HIV, and Mental & Behavioural Disorders. This does not apply to Dis-Chem Life Funeral or Protector Products.
‘Qualifying Policyholder’: means a Dis-Chem Life and/or a Dis-Chem Health Medical Insurance and/or Dis-Chem Health Accident Cover, Dis-Chem Health Gap Cover, Kaelo Medical Insurance, Kaelo Gap Cover, Kaelo Accident Cover, or Western Gap Cover Policyholder who has opted in for Lifestyle Benefits. In cases where the Policyholder is different to the life insured on the relevant policy, this definition will relate to the life insured on the policy.
‘Qualifying Insurance Premium’: means the insurance premiums from Your qualifying Dis-Chem Life and/or Dis-Chem Health policies used to calculate Your discount percentage. See section 3.2.1 for more information.
‘Qualifying Insurance Products’: means the specific policy types which render an individual eligible for extraRewards. See section 2.2 for more details.
‘We, Us, Our’: means Dis-Chem.
‘You, Your’: the person named as the Policyholder on the qualifying policy.
2. Eligibility
The minimum age is 18 years old and there is no maximum age.
Policyholders with at least one of the product types in section 2.2.1 qualify for extraRewards. Policyholders who only have products under section 2.2.2 are not eligible for extraRewards.
extraRewards members will still earn Dis-Chem Benefit loyalty points, as per the Dis-Chem Benefit Programme structure. Participation in the Dis-Chem Benefit Programme is a prerequisite to qualify for extraRewards. If the Policyholder is not yet a Dis-Chem Benefit Programme member, a Dis-Chem Benefit profile will automatically be created for the Policyholder when their policy gets taken out.
Only Qualifying Policyholders qualify for extraRewards. The extraRewards discount is automatically applied when the main qualifying Policyholder swipes their Dis-Chem Benefit Card at the tills in a Dis-Chem or Baby City store or when they’re logged in to their Dis-Chem Benefit profile when shopping online.
2.2.1 Policies which render a Policyholder eligible for extraRewards:
- You will automatically get access to the extraRewards Programme through a Dis-Chem Life individual policy and/or a Medical Insurance policy brought to you by Dis-Chem Health.
- Accident Cover or Gap Cover brought to you by Dis-Chem Health, where You have opted in for Lifestyle Benefits.
- Policyholders on a Group Kaelo Medical Insurance, Kaelo Gap Cover, Kaelo Accident Cover, or Western Gap Cover product can qualify for extraRewards if their employer has included Lifestyle Benefits.
2.2.2 Policies which do not render a Policyholder eligible for extraRewards:
- Accident Cover or Gap Cover policies brought to you by Dis-Chem Health, where You have not opted in for Lifestyle Benefits.
- Kaelo Medical Insurance, Kaelo Gap Cover, Kaelo Accident Cover, and Western Gap Cover policies do not qualify for extraRewards if the employer has not chosen to include Lifestyle Benefits.
2.2.3 Policyholder, extraRewards Fee Payer & Cessions
The extraRewards Programme is only available to the Qualifying Policyholder. This means the rewards and accruing discounts apply only to the Qualifying Policyholder and not to any other dependants on the policy.
The HealthCheck and Health Rating information will be for the Qualifying Policyholder.
The recipient of the extraRewards benefits is the Policyholder. No cessions can be made.
3. extraRewards Programme - Calculation of Discount Percentage and Maximum Monthly Savings
The extraRewards Programme offers You instant in-store and online discounts on a fixed list of thousands of everyday items from leading brands. The discount percentage is determined by the total value of Qualifying Insurance Premiums, as well as by how effectively You manage Your health.
Your health management is reflected in Your Health Rating, which determines the discount percentage You qualify for. The details of Your Health Rating calculation, as well as the discount levels, are explained below.
The extraRewards Health Rating is only calculated for Policyholders with a Dis-Chem Life individual policy.
Policyholders with any other type of Qualifying Insurance Product but no Dis-Chem Life individual policy will automatically be assigned Health Rating 1.
The extraRewards Health Rating is calculated using the outcomes of three key health assessment categories, as follows:
- HealthChecks, consisting of:
- Health Metrics
- Prevention and Screening Tests
- Dis-Chem Script Score (Adherence Level)
- Health Tests for Qualifying Chronic Conditions
The table below outlines which categories apply to each Dis-Chem Life product. If You hold multiple Dis-Chem Life policies, Your extraRewards Health Rating will be determined using the most comprehensive set of categories You qualify for. For instance, if You have a Dis-Chem Life Funeral policy and a Dis-Chem Life Individual Life policy with a Qualifying Chronic Condition, Your Health Rating will be calculated based on the categories for the Dis-Chem Life Individual Life policy with a Qualifying Chronic Condition.
Categories |
Dis-Chem Life Funeral and Protector |
Dis-Chem Life Individual Life/Education |
Dis-Chem Life Individual Life with a Qualifying Chronic Condition |
HealthChecks |
✓ (selected prevention tests) |
✓ |
✓ |
Dis-Chem Script Score |
✓ |
✓ |
Health Tests for Qualifying Chronic Conditions |
✓ |
Example 1
You only have a Dis-Chem Funeral policy. Here You qualify for all the HealthCheck tests with selected prevention tests.
Example 2
You have a Dis-Chem Funeral policy and a Dis-Chem Life Policy. Here You qualify for all the HealthCheck tests.
Example 3
You have a Dis-Chem Funeral policy and a Dis-Chem Life policy with a Qualifying Chronic Condition. Here You qualify for all the HealthCheck tests as well as the Dis-Chem Script Score and relevant Chronic Health Tests (depending on the condition which You have disclosed).
The extraRewards Programme fully covers the cost of all eligible tests performed at Dis-Chem Clinics, based on the required testing frequency for each health metric. For example:
- If a test is required annually, extraRewards will fund one test per calendar year.
- If a test is required every three years, extraRewards will fund one test within that three-year period.
If You choose to retake tests within a shorter timeframe to improve Your Health Rating, these additional tests will be at Your own expense. The most recent test results will always be used to calculate Your HealthCheck and Chronic Health Test Level. Tests performed outside of Dis-Chem clinics will not be considered for assessment.
Please note that two of the preventative tests, colonoscopies and mammograms, cannot be performed at Dis-Chem Clinics and are not funded under the extraRewards Programme.
Please see Appendix 1 - Summary of Health Rating tests, frequency and funding for an overview of the tests.
Each category (HealthChecks, Script Score, and Chronic Health Tests) will be assessed where applicable and assigned a level from 1 to 5, based on the rules below.
3.1.1 HealthChecks
Your HealthCheck Level will be calculated based on the outcomes of specified HealthChecks, Your smoking status, and completion of the required preventative tests.
The calculation for Your HealthCheck Level is:
HealthCheck Level = Health Metrics Level - Smoker Status - Preventative Status
- Smoker status = 0 if Non-Smoker and 1 if Smoker
- Preventative Status = 0 if all required preventative tests are done and 1 if any of the preventative tests are missed
This means that:
- If You are a smoker, then You will move down one HealthCheck Level.
- If You have not done all the required preventative tests for Your age, gender, product type, and health conditions, then You will move down one HealthCheck Level. Health Metrics
Your HealthCheck Level will be calculated based on the following health metrics:
- Blood Pressure
- Haemoglobin A1C (HbA1c)
- Apolipoprotein B (ApoB)
- Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF)
- 3-minute step test
The HealthCheck Levels are as follows:
Health test |
Level 1 (worst) |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Level 5 (Best) |
Blood Pressure |
Systolic Blood Pressure: > 160 mmHg AND Diastolic Blood Pressure: >100 mmHg |
140 mmHg ≤ Systolic Blood Pressure ≤ 160 AND 90 mmHg ≤ Diastolic Blood Pressure ≤ 100 mmHg |
130 mmHg ≤ Systolic Blood Pressure < 140 mmHg AND 80 mmHg ≤ Diastolic Blood Pressure < 90 mmHg |
120 mmHg ≤ Systolic Blood Pressure < 130 mmHg AND Diastolic Blood Pressure < 80 mmHg |
Systolic Blood Pressure < 120 mmHg AND Diastolic Blood Pressure < 80 mmHg |
HbA1c |
> 10.0% |
8.5% < blood glucose ≤ 10.0% |
7% < blood glucose ≤ 8.5% |
6% ≤ blood glucose ≤ 7% |
< 6% |
ApoB* |
Male: >1.3g/L Female: >1.2g/L |
Male: 1.1g/L < ApoB ≤ 1.3 g/L Female: 1.0g/L < ApoB ≤ 1.2 g/L |
Male: 0.9g/L < ApoB ≤ 1.1g/L Female: 0.8g/L < ApoB ≤ 1.0g/L |
Male: 0.7g/L ≤ ApoB ≤ 0.9 g/L Female: 0.6g/L ≤ ApoB≤ 0.8g/L |
Male: <0.7 g/L Female: <0.6 g/L |
Lipid Level * |
Total cholesterol > 8 mmol/L HDL< 0.6 mmol/L Triglycerides ≥5 mmol/L LDL > 4.9 mmol/L |
6.3 mmol/L ≤ Total cholesterol ≤ 8 mmol/L 0.85mmol/L ≤ HDL ≤ 1 mmol/L 4mmol/L ≤ Triglycerides < 5mmol/L 4.1mmol/L ≤ LDL 4.9 mmol/L |
5.2 mmol/L ≤ Total cholesterol < 6.3 mmol/L 1 mmol/L ≤ HDL < 1.3 mmol/L 2.3 mmol/L ≤ Triglycerides 2.3 < 4 mmol/L 3.4 mmol/L ≤ LDL < 4.1 mmol/L |
Total cholesterol < 5.2 mmol/L 1.3 mmol/L ≤ HDL ≤ 1.5 mmol/L 1.7 mmol/L ≤ Triglycerides < 2.3 mmol/L 2.6 mmol/L ≤ LDL < 3.4 mmol/L |
Total cholesterol < 5.2 mmol/L HDL > 1.5 mmol/L Triglycerides < 1.7 mmol/L LDL < 2.6 mmol/L |
Male: >150 IU/L Female: > 150 IU/L |
Male: 100 IU/L ≤ GGT ≤ 150 IU/L Female: 100 IU/L ≤ GGT ≤ 150 IU/L |
Male: 56 IU/L ≤ GGT < 100 IU/L Female: 36 IU/L ≤ GGT < 100 IU/L |
Male: < 56 IU/L Female: < 36 IU/L |
Male: < 56 IU/L Female: <36 IU/L |
BMI (≤60 years of age) |
40.0 and above |
35.0 ≤ BMI < 40.0 |
30.0 ≤ BMI < 35 |
25.0 ≤ BMI < 30 with waist circumference Males > 102 cm, Females > 88 cm |
< 25.0 OR 25.0 ≤ BMI < 30.0 with waist circumference Males ≤ 102 cm, Females ≤ 88 cm |
BMI (>60 years of age) |
40.0 and above OR <16 |
35.0 ≤ BMI < 40.0 OR 16.0 ≤ BMI < 18.5 |
30.0 ≤ BMI < 35 |
25.0 ≤ BMI < 30 with waist circumference Males > 102 cm, Females > 88 cm |
18.5 ≤ BMI < 25.0 OR 25.0 ≤ BMI < 30 with waist circumference Males ≤ 102 cm, Females ≤ 88 cm |
Peak expiratory flow |
<55% predicted value |
55 % ≤ PEF < 65% predicted value |
65 % ≤ PEF < 80 % predicted value |
≥80% predicted value |
≥80% predicted value |
3-minute step test (Chester step test) - VO2Max (ml/kg/min) |
Male: 18-25: <35 26-35: <33 36-45: <28 46-55: <25 56-65: <23 65+: <22
Female: 18-25: <31 26-35: <28 36-45: <25 46-55: <23 56-65: <20 65+: <18 |
Male: 18-25: 35 ≤ CRF < 42 26-35: 33 ≤ CRF < 40 36-45: 28 ≤ CRF < 35 46-55: 25 ≤ CRF < 32 56-65: 23 ≤ CRF < 30 65+: 22 ≤ CRF < 26
Female: 18-25: 31≤ CRF < 38 26-35: 28 ≤ CRF < 35 36-45: 25≤ CRF < 31 46-55: 23 ≤ CRF < 28 56-65: 20 ≤ CRF < 25 65+: 18 ≤ CRF < 22 |
Male: 18-25: 42 ≤ CRF < 47 26-35: 40 ≤ CRF < 43 36-45: 35 ≤ CRF < 39 46-55: 32 ≤ CRF < 36 56-65: 30 ≤ CRF < 32 65+: 26 ≤ CRF < 29
Female: 18-25: 38 ≤ CRF < 42 26-35: 35 ≤ CRF < 39 36-45: 31 ≤ CRF < 34 46-55: 28 ≤ CRF < 31 56-65: 25 ≤ CRF < 28 65+: 22 ≤ CRF < 25 |
Male: 18-25: 47 ≤ CRF ≤ 52 26-35: 43 ≤ CRF ≤ 49 36-45: 39 ≤ CRF ≤ 43 46-55: 36 ≤ CRF ≤ 39 56-65: 32 ≤ CRF ≤ 36 65+: 29 ≤ CRF ≤ 33
Female: 18-25: 42 ≤ CRF ≤ 47 26-35: 39 ≤ CRF ≤ 45 36-45: 34 ≤ CRF ≤ 38 46-55: 31 ≤ CRF ≤ 34 56-65: 28 ≤ CRF ≤ 32 65+: 25 ≤ CRF ≤ 28 |
Male: 18-25: >52 26-35: >49 36-45: >43 46-55: >39 56-65: >36 65+: >33
Female: 18-25: >47 26-35: >45 36-45: >38 46-55: >34 56-65: >32 65+: >28 |
Please note: Either ApoB or lipogram results will be used depending on Dis-Chem Life product rules. Only one will be funded per assessment, not both.
When calculating Your HealthCheck Level, the lowest level achieved across the tests will determine Your overall HealthCheck Level.
You are a male, aged 30.
Health Metric |
Health Metric Results |
HealthCheck Level Assigned |
Blood Pressure |
135/85 |
3 |
HbA1c |
5.5% |
5 |
ApoB |
60mg/dl |
5 |
25 IU/L<16 |
5 |
90% |
5 |
23 |
5 |
Cotinine (Smoking Test) |
No |
N/A |
3-min step test - VO2Max (ml/kg/min) |
55 |
5 |
In this example, Your HealthCheck Level is 5 across all metrics except for blood pressure, where Your level is 3. Since Your overall HealthCheck Level is determined by the lowest level, Your final HealthCheck Level is 3. Prevention and Screening Tests
These tests are preventive in nature, and the results, whether favourable or unfavourable, will not impact Your assessment. However, failure to complete all the required preventive tests will result in Your HealthCheck Level (Section 3.1.1) being reduced.
All tests outlined in this section must be conducted by a qualified Dis-Chem nurse in-store, unless stated otherwise.
The table below outlines the specific preventive and screening tests required for certain individuals, including their recommended frequency. Some tests are triggered by conditions disclosed during the Dis-Chem Life underwriting process and are mandatory for affected Policyholders.
The following preventive tests are required for all Dis-Chem Life Individual Policyholders on the extraRewards Programme:
Preventative or Screening Test |
Frequency required |
Required Policyholders |
Annual |
All Dis-Chem Life, unless HIV positive status declared. |
Smoker Declaration/Cotinine Test |
Annual |
All Dis-Chem Life Policyholders will be asked to complete either a smoker’s declaration or a cotinine test* |
ApoB |
Annual |
Must meet at least one of the following criteria:
Policyholders aged 65 and older
Asthma / Lung Disease (disclosed upfront)
Diabetes (disclosed upfront)
History of Stroke or Heart Attack
BMI of 35+
This is not a requirement for health assessments out of flu season (September to March).
*At the discretion of Dis-Chem Life.
The following screening tests are required for all Dis-Chem Life Policyholders on the extraRewards Programme, except for those who hold only Funeral or Protector Products (or any combination of these), unless stated otherwise.
Screening Test |
Frequency Required |
Required Policyholders |
Fecal Occult Blood |
Every 5 years |
Must meet at least one of the following criteria:
Policyholders aged 45 and older
Family History of Colon Cancer
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Lynch syndrome
Familial adenomatous polyposis
Not needed if Policyholder has been for a colonoscopy in the last 10 years.
HPV/Pap Smear |
Every 5 years |
Females |
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) |
Every 5 years |
Males aged 60 and older |
Highly Sensitive C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) |
Every 5 years |
Must meet at least two of the following criteria and have a Health Rating of level 3 or worse:
High cholesterol
BMI of 35+
Previous heart attack or stroke
Lipoprotein (a) |
Once |
Must meet at least one of the following criteria:
High cholesterol
BMI of 35+
History of Stroke or Heart Attack
Family history of early heart attack or stroke (age < 50)
Colonoscopy |
Every 10 years |
Must meet at least one of the following criteria:
Policyholders aged 45 and older
Family History of Colon Cancer
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Lynch syndrome
Familial adenomatous polyposis
Mammogram |
Every 2 years |
Females aged 40 and older |
3.1.2 Dis-Chem Script Score
The Dis-Chem Script Score measures how consistently Policyholders with a Dis-Chem Life policy and a Qualifying Chronic Condition collect their prescribed medication for the condition disclosed at application. It is a rolling 12-month average that updates monthly, providing a dynamic measure of adherence over time. How the Score Works:
1. Score Calculation:
The score is calculated using the formula:
Dis-Chem Script Score =
(Number of months medication was collected in the past 12 months) ÷
(The lower of 12 months or the number of months since Your Dis-Chem Life insurance policy started).
Each month is marked as:
- 1: Medication collected
- 0: Medication not collected
Mapping to Levels:
The score is converted into an Adherence Level based on the percentage of months medication was collected.
Adherence Level |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Level 5 |
Percentage |
0-25 % |
25-50 % |
50-75 % |
75-90% |
>90 % |
3.1.3 Health Tests for Qualifying Chronic Conditions
As part of the extraRewards Programme, additional health tests will be funded once a year for Dis-Chem Life Individual Policyholders with Qualifying Chronic Conditions.
The table below outlines the tests required for applicable Policyholders:
Health or Screening Test |
Frequency Required |
Relevant Qualifying Chronic Conditions |
Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) |
Annual |
Diabetes Mellitus HIV Hypertension Hypercholesterolaemia
CD4 Lymphocyte Count (CD4 Count) |
Annual |
HIV-Positive Policyholders |
Viral Load |
Annual |
HIV-Positive Policyholders | Assessment and Scoring
The results of these tests are assessed under the Chronic Test category and are categorized into five levels.
Your overall level will be based on the lowest score among the three metrics (eGFR, CD4 Count, Viral Load), as displayed in the table below:
Adherence Level |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Level 5 |
eGFR |
≤ 40 mL/min |
40 < eGFR ≤ 50 mL/min |
50 < eGFR ≤ 60 mL/min |
60 < eGFR ≤ 90 mL/min |
> 90 mL/min |
CD4 |
≤ 200 cells/mm³ |
300 < CD4 Count ≤ 350 cells/mm³ |
350 < CD4 Count ≤ 500 cells/mm³ |
> 500 cells/mm³ |
Viral Load |
≥ 1,000 copies/mL |
200 ≤ Viral Load < 1,000 copies/mL |
50 ≤ Viral Load < 200 copies/mL |
Undetectable (< 50 copies/mL) |
Undetectable (< 50 copies/mL) |
3.1.4 Validity of Tests
All tests for Health Metrics and for Qualifying Chronic Conditions: Test results are valid for 12 months from the date of testing. If the required tests are not performed again within this timeframe, the Policyholder will automatically be assigned level 1 in the relevant test category until new tests are completed.
Tests for Prevention and Screening: Test results are valid for the required frequency period, commencing from the date of testing. For example, when the required testing frequency is five years, the test results are valid for 60 months from the date of testing. Once these periods expire, the Policyholder’s Health Rating will be assessed as if the test was not performed, and they will be moved down a HealthCheck level until the test is performed again.
3.1.5 Calculation of Health Ratings
Each Policyholder on the extraRewards Programme will be assigned a level from 1 to 5 for each of the three categories: HealthChecks, Dis-Chem Script Score, and Health Tests for Qualifying Chronic Conditions. The lowest level across these three categories will determine Your final Health Rating.
The way to calculate Your overall extraRewards Health Rating is as follows:
- Calculate the level for Your HealthCheck Category
- Minus one level if You are a Smoker
- Minus one level if You don’t perform all Preventative and Screening Tests
- Calculate the level for Your Dis-Chem Script Score Category (if applicable)
- Calculate the level for Your Dis-Chem Chronic Health Tests (if applicable)
- Take the lowest level across these Categories.
Example 1
- A 30-year-old male Dis-Chem Life Individual Life Policyholder.
- The Policyholder has disclosed mental & behavioural conditions during the application process. This is a Qualifying Chronic Condition.
- No other medical conditions were disclosed during the underwriting process.
- The Policyholder’s BMI is 24.
Category 1 – HealthCheck
a. HealthCheck Level
The Policyholder completes a HealthCheck at their nearest Dis-Chem clinic, funded by Dis-Chem Life.
Health Metric |
Health Metric Results |
HealthCheck Level |
Blood Pressure |
135/85 |
3 |
HbA1c |
5.5% |
5 |
ApoB |
60mg/dl |
5 |
25 IU/L<16 |
5 |
90% |
5 |
23 |
5 |
Cotinine (Smoking Test) |
No |
N/A |
CRF Test (Chester step test) - VO2Max (ml/kg/min) |
55 |
5 |
Example 1
- The Policyholder has a HealthCheck level of 5 for all tests except blood pressure, where they have a HealthCheck level of 3. As a result, they received the lowest HealthCheck Level, so they will be considered Level 3 for the HealthCheck Category.
- b. Preventative and Screening Tests: No Preventative tests are required based on the Policyholder’s age and health conditions.
- The Policyholder is also Non-Smoker, so they remain at their current HealthCheck Level.
Category 2 – Script Score
The Policyholder is somewhat adhering to their prescription medication and scores 45%, which is Level 2.
Category 3 – Chronic Health Tests
No further chronic tests are needed.
Health Rating = Lowest level across HealthChecks, Dis-Chem Script Score, and Chronic Health Tests.
Health Rating = 2
Explanation: The Policyholder had a Level 3 for HealthChecks, a Level 2 Script Score, and no requirement for Chronic Health Tests. Here, the Policyholder’s overall Health Rating is Level 2.
Example 2
- The Policyholder is a 30-year-old male with a Dis-Chem Life Individual Life policy.
- The Policyholder has disclosed that he is HIV positive during the application process. This is a Qualifying Chronic Condition.
- No other medical conditions were disclosed during the underwriting process.
- The Policyholder’s BMI is 24.
Category 1 – Health and Preventative Tests
a. HealthCheck Level
The Policyholder goes to their nearest Dis-Chem clinic for a free HealthCheck and receives the following results from their HealthCheck:
Health Metric |
Health Metric Results |
HealthCheck Level |
Blood Pressure |
135/85 |
3 |
HbA1c |
5.5% |
5 |
ApoB |
60mg/dl |
5 |
25 IU/L<16 |
5 |
90% |
5 |
23 |
5 |
Cotinine (Smoking Test) |
No |
N/A |
CRF Test (Chester step test) - VO2Max (ml/kg/min) |
55 |
5 |
They receive a HealthCheck level of 5 for all tests except blood pressure, where they are classified as a Level 3. This means that they will receive the lowest HealthCheck level across all the tests, being Level 3.
b. Preventative and Screening Tests
A flu vaccine is needed, which is administered for free during the Dis-Chem clinic visit.
The Policyholder is also a Non-Smoker, so they remain at their current Health and Preventative Test Level of 3.
Category 2 – Script Score
The Policyholder is very adherent and scores 95%, which is Level 5.
Category 3 – Chronic Health Tests
The Policyholder is required to undergo Chronic Health Tests to effectively monitor and assess the ongoing management of their HIV condition. They receive the following results:
Health Test |
Chronic Health Test Results |
Health Level |
eGFR |
30 |
1 |
CD4 Count |
600 |
5 |
Viral Load |
10 |
5 |
Overall Health Rating
The Policyholder’s Overall Health Rating is determined by taking the lowest score among the three categories:
- Health Test Level: 3
- Script Score Level: 5
- Chronic Health Test Level: 1
Final Result
The Policyholder’s overall Health Rating is Level 1, based on the lowest score across the three categories.
All Policyholders on the extraRewards Programme will be allocated a discount percentage between 20% and 100%, which will apply when shopping for qualifying extraRewards products online or in-store. The extraRewards discount applies to a defined list of products which can be viewed here: .
Policyholders whose only Qualifying Policy is a Group Kaelo Medical Insurance, Kaelo Gap Cover, Kaelo Accident Cover, or Western Gap Cover product will be assigned a discount percentage of 20%.
Policyholders with one or more of the following eligible products: Dis-Chem Life, Dis-Chem Health Medical Insurance, Dis-Chem Health Accident Cover, or Dis-Chem Health Gap Cover, will be assigned a discount percentage according to the extraRewards Discount Matrix (section 3.2.2.). This will be the percentage applied regardless of whether the Policyholder also has a Group Kaelo Medical Insurance, Kaelo Gap Cover, Kaelo Accident Cover, or Western Gap Cover product. The extraRewards Discount Matrix is based on Your Qualifying Insurance Premium and Your Health Rating.
3.2.1 Qualifying Insurance Premium
Your Qualifying Insurance Premium is the sum of the premiums from Your eligible Dis-Chem Life and Dis-Chem Health policies:
Qualifying Insurance Premium = total Dis-Chem Life premium + total Dis-Chem Health Medical Insurance premium + total Dis-Chem Health Accident Cover premium + total Dis-Chem Health Gap Cover premium
Only premiums from individual policies are included in the calculation for Qualifying Insurance Premium.
3.2.2 extraRewards Discount Matrix
The extraRewards Discount Matrix works as follows:
- Qualifying Insurance Premium: determines the row of the matrix (shown vertically).
- Health Rating: (ranging from 1 to 5) determines the column of the matrix (shown horizontally).
Note that extraRewards Health Ratings 2-5 are only achievable for Policyholders with an individual Dis-Chem Life policy. Policyholders with any other type of Qualifying Product and no Dis-Chem Life product will automatically be assigned Health Rating 1.
Qualifying Insurance Premium |
Health Rating |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Lower |
Upper |
20.0% |
22.5% |
25.0% |
27.5% |
30.0% |
0 |
R499 |
25.0% |
27.5% |
30.0% |
32.5% |
35.0% |
R500 |
R1 499 |
30.0% |
32.5% |
35.0% |
40.0% |
45.0% |
R1 500 |
R2 499 |
35.0% |
40.0% |
45.0% |
50.0% |
55.0% |
R2 500 |
R3 499 |
40.0% |
45.0% |
50.0% |
60.0% |
70.0% |
R3 500 |
R3 999 |
45.0% |
50.0% |
60.0% |
70.0% |
90.0% |
R4 500+ |
- |
50.0% |
60.0% |
70.0% |
90.0% |
100.0% |
If Your Qualifying Insurance Premium is R1,800 and Your Health Rating is Level 5, Your monthly discount is 45.0%.
Each month You can receive extraRewards discounts in-store and/or online up to a specified maximum rand value amount. This maximum monthly amount is determined as follows:
Qualifying Product Types |
Maximum Monthly Discount |
Group Kaelo Medical Insurance, Kaelo Gap Cover, Kaelo Accident Cover, or Western Gap Cover products |
R600 |
Dis-Chem Life, Dis-Chem Health Medical Insurance, Dis-Chem Health Accident Cover, or Dis-Chem Health Gap Cover products |
If Qualifying Insurance Premium ≤ R3000 = Qualifying Insurance Premium If Qualifying Insurance Premium >R3000 = R3000
A combination of Group Kaelo Medical Insurance, Kaelo Gap Cover, Kaelo Accident Cover, or Western Gap Cover products AND individual Dis-Chem Life, Dis-Chem Health Medical Insurance, Dis-Chem Health Accident Cover, or Dis-Chem Health Gap Cover products |
If Qualifying Insurance Premium ≤ R600 = R600 If Qualifying Insurance Premium > R600 and ≤ R3000 = Qualifying Insurance Premium If Qualifying Insurance Premium > R3000 = R3000
The monthly discount limits are reset on the first day of each calendar month.
3.3.1 How do extraRewards work when other discounts or promotions are in place?
Qualifying products loaded on Regular Price, Promotional Price, Normal Discount, Bonus Buys, and Instant Discounts will be eligible for the additional extraRewards discount in accordance with Dis-Chem’s promotional mechanism policy and business rules. The extraRewards discount will apply on top of the promotional price.
4. extraRewards Fee
All Policyholders with one or more Qualifying Insurance Products (excluding Group Kaelo Medical Insurance, Kaelo Gap Cover, Kaelo Accident Cover, or Western Gap Cover) will be required to pay a single monthly extraRewards Fee to participate in the extraRewards Programme. The billing will either be done together with their Dis-Chem Life or Dis-Chem Health insurance premium, depending on the policy (or combination of policies) they hold. Policyholders with multiple Qualifying Insurance Products will pay the same single extraRewards Fee.
4.1.1 Dis-Chem Health only policies
If You are only a Dis-Chem Health Policyholder, the extraRewards Fee will be collected along with Your Dis-Chem Health insurance premium, either embedded in a Medical Insurance product or quoted separately for Gap Cover or Accident Cover.
Both Your Dis-Chem Health premium and Dis-Chem extraRewards Fee must be successfully collected to qualify for extraRewards discounts within a month.
If Your Dis-Chem Health policy is suspended, You will forfeit Your participation in the extraRewards Programme until Your Dis-Chem Health insurance premium and extraRewards Fee have been successfully collected and Your Dis-Chem Health policy is reactivated.
4.1.2 Dis-Chem Life only policies
If your only Qualifying Insurance Product is a Dis-Chem Life Product, the extraRewards Fee will be collected along with Your Dis-Chem Life insurance premium each month.
Both Your Dis-Chem Life premium and Dis-Chem extraRewards Fee must be successfully collected to qualify for extraRewards discounts within a month.
If Your Dis-Chem Life policy is suspended, You will forfeit Your participation in the extraRewards Programme until Your Dis-Chem Life insurance premium and extraRewards Fee have been successfully collected and Your Dis-Chem Life Policy is reactivated.
4.1.3 Billing for dual Dis-Chem Life and Dis-Chem Health Policyholders
If You hold both Dis-Chem Health and Dis-Chem Life policies:
- The extraRewards Fee will be collected along with Your Dis-Chem Health insurance premium if one of Your policies is a Medical Insurance policy brought to you by Dis-Chem Health and/or You are opted in for Lifestyle Benefits on an Accident Cover or Gap Cover product brought to you by Dis-Chem Health.
- If Your Dis-Chem Health policy is suspended, You will forfeit Your participation in the extraRewards Programme until either of the following occurs:
- Your Dis-Chem Health insurance premium and extraRewards Fee have been successfully collected and Your Dis-Chem Health policy is reactivated.
- Your Dis-Chem Health policy has lapsed or been cancelled, Your Dis-Chem Life policy remains active, and Dis-Chem Life has successfully collected Your extraRewards Fee.
For all scenarios mentioned above in section 4.1, Dis-Chem will monitor whether Your extraRewards Fee is up to date. In cases where extraRewards are revoked due to non-payment, participation will only be reinstated when the extraRewards Fee is brought up to date.
All Dis-Chem Life Policyholders, whether an existing Dis-Chem Health Policyholder or not, must grant permission for Dis-Chem Life to use their debit order details to collect their extraRewards Fee along with their insurance premium.
Dis-Chem may review the extraRewards Fee annually and reserves the right to adjust it subject to 30 days written notice to Policyholders.
5. General Policy Rules
You are only eligible to start using Your extraRewards discounts once Your first extraRewards Fee is collected and your Qualifying Insurance Product has incepted. If the fee is reversed or Your Debicheck mandate (where relevant) is cancelled or suspended, You will no longer have access to the extraRewards Programme.
5.1.1 How are extraRewards returns processed?
For extraRewards product returns, the discounted price (price paid by the Policyholder) will be applied for refunds or exchanges.
To view the Dis-Chem refunds policy, please visit www.dischem.co.za/returns-refunds.
- On the death of the Policyholder
- On the last day when You no longer have any Qualifying Insurance Products in force
- We may immediately cancel participation in the extraRewards Programme or place it on hold to comply with the law and prevent any undesirable or criminal behavior.
By taking out a Qualifying Insurance Product, You agree to the limits, terms, and conditions set out in this rewards guide.
6. Contact Details
For any inquiries, please contact the Dis-Chem Careline on 0860 347 243.
7. Appendix
The table below provides a complete overview of funding for various tests across different products.
Health or Screening Test |
Frequency required |
Target |
Funded by extraRewards |
Blood Pressure |
Annual |
All |
✓ |
HbA1c |
Annual |
All |
✓ |
ApoB / Lipogram |
Annual |
All |
✓ |
Annual |
All |
✓ |
Annual |
All |
✓ |
PEF (Peak Expiration Flow) |
Annual |
All |
✓ |
CRT Test |
Annual |
All |
✓ |
Non-Smokers Declaration |
Annual |
All |
✓ |
Fecal Occult |
Every 5 years |
Specific (section |
✓ |
HPV/Pap Smear |
Every 5 years |
Specific (section |
✓ |
Every 5 years |
Specific (section |
✓ |
Hs-CRP |
Every 5 years |
Specific (section |
✓ |
Lipoprotein (a) |
Once |
Specific (section |
✓ |
Annual |
All |
✓ |
Flu |
Annual |
Specific (section |
✓ |
Colonoscopy |
Every 10 years |
Specific (section |
x |
Mammogram |
Every 10 years |
Specific (section |
x |
eGFR |
Annual |
Specific + HIV (section 3.1.3) |
✓ |
CD4 Count |
Annual |
✓ |
Viral Load |
Annual |
✓ |