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At Nestle, we understand that your child's nutrition is of utmost importance. That’s why our range of NAN food and formula products is designed to provide optimal nutrition for infants from birth up until 36 months.
For children aged between 12-24 months, the NAN 3 growth formula provides a solid foundation for their development. It contains all the essential nutrients required by growing toddlers such as proteins, vitamins and minerals which help support healthy bone development.
The NAN A.R. thickened with starch has been specifically formulated to cater to babies who experience regurgitation issues during feeding time in their first year (0-12 months). The balance between macronutrients helps prevent obesity when compared with home-thickened formulas while reducing oesophagal exposure to acidic content.
We also offer lactose-free infant formula specially made keeping in mind the nutritional needs of infants suffering from lactose intolerance or diarrhoea starting right after birth till they turn three years old - providing them relief without compromising on taste or quality!
If you're looking for dietary management options against constipation symptoms among newborns then look no further than Nan CR Constipation Relief! This unique blend includes four active ingredients acting along the baby's digestive system helping relieve mild constipation symptoms like slow passage stools making it suitable exclusively for the six-month-old age group ensuring proper physical and mental health developments at this crucial stage too!
Last but not least, there is nan comfort – an excellent choice if you want something gentle yet effective enough even under normal circumstances where digestion may be sensitive due to various reasons including colic etc., giving parents peace of mind knowing they’re doing everything possible towards supporting little one’s overall wellbeing through every step taken together throughout early stages life journey ahead.
Remember, breast milk remains the best source of nourishment available. Always consult a healthcare professional before introducing any new product into your baby's diet routine, especially those below two years old.