Dis-Chem Wellness Clinic for adults offers convenient and professional care to help you manage health risks. Nursing practitioners are available to provide a range of services from effective screenings, subsequent and adequate patient management as well as health support programs.

First Contact for a Patient for Basic Health Problem

Health Tests
  • Blood Pressure
  • Blood Glucose
  • Cholesterol
  • HIV Testing
  • Basic Laboratory Testing
Preventative Care
  • Baby Immunization
  • Baby Milestone Development Evaluation
  • Adult Immunization
Female Health Care
  • Pap Smear Screening
  • Breast Examination
  • Contraceptive Management

*Also includes: Management of Patients with Chronic Conditions

Find your local clinic

*Please note that nursing practitioners are available by appointment ONLY on a Saturday.*
Please confirm opening & closing times before visiting the clinic or call the clinics call centre on 086 111 7427.

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Find in-depth and insightful information on health-related conditions in our articles or click on the body area. Select a related health topic from the menu for more.

Measles, Mumps and Rubella - MMR

MMR can be highly infectious diseases and can spread through droplets of saliva, inhaled or picked up from surfaces....


Pneumococcal disease

Pneumococcal disease is caused by a common bacteria, called streptococcus pneumoniae....


Vaccine confidence

Up to 70% of production time for vaccines is devoted to quality control, and it can take up to 24 months to manufacture a vaccine....


High Blood Pressure - Hypertension

High blood pressure is known as the ‘silent killer’ because there are usually no warning signs and no obvious symptoms....


Mental Health
Infant Health
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