The Dixie Water Project

Supplying fresh drinking water to over 1400 people of Dixie Village

The Dixie community is home to 175 families which did not have access to clean, safe, running water. In April 2020, 15 taps were installed across the Dixie village, ending years of struggle to find safe water to drink and use. Community members used to walk with buckets and wheelbarrows to find water. Some hired trucks and containers and drove far distances in search of water. The water scarcity issue in the Dixie village was brought to the attention of the Dis-Chem Foundation. 

Construction took place with the full buy-in of the community and in close consultation with the Mnisi tribal authority. A water committee was established, and ten Dixie community members were employed on the project. They have acquired skills that they can now offer to future construction or water projects. The water system in the Dixie village is sustainable, the community will continue to have access to clean running water for years to come. There are no running costs. Villagers were involved in building the water system and are involved in its ongoing maintenance.

 According to the South African Constitution every citizen is entitled to a certain amount of water regardless of his ability to pay for it. Sadly, many communities still do not have access to safe water.

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