
From us to you

Dis-Chem DeliverD

Dis-Chem DeliverD our on demand delivery service available on the Dis-Chem App!

For your convenience, you can now shop on the App and have your order delivered in 60 minutes*!

Earn Benefit Rewards while you shop.

Dis-Chem DeliverD is widely available in South Africa. 

Download the new
Dis-Chem app and
get shopping!

How it works:

Download or update your Dis-Chem app

Shop up to 7500 products at in-store prices

60-minute delivery!

Delivery 7 days a week.

  • Monday-Saturday: 10am- 5:00pm
  • Sunday & Public holidays: 9am-1pm

Is Dis-Chem DeliverD in my area?

Introducing Dis-Chem DeliverD, our on-demand delivery service available on the Dis- Chem App. Enjoy fast delivery within 60 minutes, available at selected Dis-Chem locations across the nation! Shop for your essentials or send orders to friends and family in all DeliverD areas. Currently available across South Africa, our service is continuously growing to serve you better. 

To find out if DeliverD is in your area, click below.

All your questions answered

View FAQ

Dis-Chem DeliverD Queries

Monday - Saturday: 10am - 5pm
Sunday & Public holidays: 9am - 1pm

010 589 1000

Share your experience! 

Download, shop, and share your experience! We would really appreciate your feedback, which will be used to maintain or improve this service.


*Terms & conditions apply: View them here

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