Dis-Chem clinics provide preventative health care and early risk detection solutions that will assist Dis-Chem patients in proactively managing their health.

Adult Clinic

Whether you are concerned about
the effects of ongoing stress or doing
a routine check-up for medical aid
purposes, our nursing practitioners
are on standby to assist you.

Baby Clinic

A variety of services and expert
advice is what makes our Baby
clinics your go-to in keeping
your little one happy and

Wound Care Services

Our clinics ensure fast,
professional wound and burn care,
so you don't have to worry about a
long hospital visit and a hefty bill.

Find your local clinic

*Please note that nursing practitioners are available by appointment ONLY on a Saturday.*
Please confirm opening & closing times before visiting the clinic or call the clinics call centre on 086 111 7427.

Book an appointment online

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