We all know that there are bacteria and microorganisms all around us. As adults, our bodies, guts and immune systems are developed and strong enough to fight off pesky bugs that naturally occur around us. However, when it comes to babies, their systems are not as developed yet and therefore baby bottles must be sterilized after every use.
Wondering why should you sterilize baby bottles, and how? Read this guide on how to clean and sterilize your baby’s bottles to help prevent infection and illness.
Why is sterilizing baby bottles important?
Sterilizing baby bottles needs to be an everyday occurrence for at least the first 12 months of a baby’s life. Sterilizing helps to kill 99.9% of germs, bacteria and any other microorganisms that might be on the bottle, teat or in the water itself. Even if your baby is having breast milk from a bottle, it is still essential to sterilize the bottle before transferring the breast milk into the bottle.
Do you need to wash bottles before sterilizing?
Washing baby bottles after every use and before sterilizing them is key. You first need to clean the bottles in hot, soapy water to disinfect them and to get rid of any dirt or grime build-up.
Here are some tips on how to clean baby bottles:
- Wash baby bottles in the sink with hot water and your favourite dishwashing liquid.
- Use a clean bottle brush that you only use for washing bottles and no other dishes.
- Do not wash any other soiled dishes with the baby bottles at all, they should be washed by themselves.
- If you have a dishwasher, you can place the bottles, teats and any other parts in the dishwasher on a hot cycle.
- Rinse all the bottles, teats and other equipment in clean water before sterilizing.
How to sterilize baby bottles
There are a few methods to choose from when it comes to sterilizing baby bottles, it all depends on what equipment and facilities you have. There is no need to use any laboratory equipment.
Sterilizing with Steam
If you have a microwave steamer or an electric steamer, simply place the washed bottles, teats and all other parts of the bottle in the sterilizer. Follow the manufacturer guidelines for filling the steamer correctly, filling with water, and for how long you need to steam for. Be careful when opening the microwave after steaming as the steamer can be very hot.
Sterilizing with Sterilizing Fluid
If you have a sterilizing liquid, you simply need to leave the bottles, teats and other parts in the sterilizing liquid for at least 30 minutes before using. Again, follow the manufacturer guidelines on how to sterilize baby bottles effectively with the liquid. This method works well when you do not have access to electricity or are perhaps on holiday and not at home.
Sterilizing with Boiling Water
This is the old-fashioned way of sterilizing bottles that still works very effectively. Bring a large pot of water to boil on the stove. Place your bottles, teats and other parts in the boiling water and boil them for at least 15 minutes. Make sure that all parts stay under the water for the duration of the boil.
For everything you need to safely clean, wash and sterilize baby bottles, shop the Dis-Chem Bottle Cleaning and Sterilizers range now.
Why is it important to wash and sterilise your baby's bottles and teats?
You need to kill any germs and bacteria that may be present on baby bottles and teats in order to prevent infection and illness in your baby. Sterilizing should be done for the first 12 months of a baby’s life.
What happens if you don't sterilize baby bottles?
Baby’s can become ill with conditions like diarrhoea or other serious illnesses if they are exposed to germs, microorganisms and other bacteria that they are not used to yet.