Dandruff is a reality: 50% of men and 25% of women suffer from dandruff. Take note and say goodbye to dandruff forever.
Who doesn’t know someone with dandruff?
If you think it is an isolated problem it may surprise you to know that it is one of the top 10 daily dermatological consultations.
Dandruff affects approximately 45% of the population, almost independent of sex (48% prevalence in men and 38% prevalence in women) or ethnicity. Some studies have recorded that more than 85% of the population suffers from some form of dandruff throughout their life. It mostly affects people aged 15 to 50, and it is rarely recorded before adolescence.
Dandruff is not a specific condition, although it can have a large impact on those it affects, both physically and psychologically, drastically affecting their quality of life. Dandruff is no more than a flaky scalp.
Although we all know dandruff is not a condition or a disease, it is still associated in people’s minds with a lack of hygiene and carelessness about one’s appearance, and thus the emotional or social impact can be disproportionate to the severity of the problem. If this is the case, you’ll want to get rid of dandruff quickly.
Although the causes of dandruff are not yet fully known, we can see a correlation between various factors that appear in most cases:
- Seborrhoea: Dandruff seems to be closely (but not definitively) related to the activity of the sebaceous gland, given that cases tend to appear at the onset of puberty, and the flakes affect areas of the scalp with more sebum.
- Microbes: This is the ecosystem of micro-organisms in our bodies and on the surface of our skin. It is unique for each person although the type of species, distribution and number are broadly similar.
External or internal factors can cause an imbalance in these micro-organisms, leading to the appearance of dandruff. - Altered barrier function and individual predisposition: Studies have shown that certain people are predisposed to exhibit an alteration in the barrier function of the skin, which causes an increase in the permeability of the stratum corneum. This can favour the absorption of irritating fatty acids giving rise to an increase in inflammation and cellular proliferation, and as a consequence, dandruff appears.
Everything has a solution, including dandruff. First, identify the type of dandruff you have in order to find the appropriate treatment:
Dry dandruff: The flakes are white, small and loose, easily identifiable because they fall onto the shoulders. This is normally related to irritants or a dry scalp.
Oily dandruff: The flakes are yellowish, large and stuck to the scalp. This is sometimes related to seborrhoeic dermatitis.
The good news? Dandruff is a problem that responds quickly to treatment, if the treatment is appropriate. Due to the fact that these treatments are applied to the scalp and hair, we must demand high cosmetic quality, a pleasant texture and scent, and a composition that doesn’t alter the structure of the skin. Active ingredients like selenium are very effective against dandruff.
Our favourite in this case is Vichy’s Dercos Micropeel shampoo.